Monday, October 18, 2010

This week in collecting Vol 2010-3 Oct 10 - 16, 2010

Here's the breakdown this week:  1 DS (sort of), 1 PS1, 1 PS2,  and 1 X360 titles.  In total, 4 new titles.  However, the DS title somehow didn't get entered and accounted for last month so I'm adding it in now.

My collection total at the end of the week is 1,416 titles.  Backloggery game count is 1,480.

Click on the images to enlarge.

Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City
Ok I forgot to add this into my collection last month so I'm finally getting around to it.  It came with a nice art book that includes are from all three Etrian Odyssey game so I'm quite pleased with that.

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
I like Indiana Jones, and I kinda don't really care what the critic ratings were on this one.  There's enough user reviews that I've seen that are positive to warrant giving this one a try.

Amped 3
Awhile back I picked up 1080º Avalanche for the GameCube.   Then I decided I needed to pick up the predecessor, 1080º on the N64.   Then I got this crazy idea that I should collect all the system exclusive snowboarding games.  I already have Amped, so Amped 3 is to fill out the Xbox snowboarding series.  Now I just need to get a clean copy of Amped 2 and I'm good.   I don't think there was a system exclusive Playstation series so no need there.
I'm very pleased to add this to my collection.   I have all the Shadow Hearts games but I've always felt that the Shadow Hearts collection wasn't complete as I was missing Sacnoth's first RPG entry, Koudelka.


  1. Wow! I can't even find Koudelka over here, I'm jealous. You must have spent quite a bit on it.

  2. With shipping it was $40. I've never seen the game in the wild so that was totally worth it to me.

  3. No PS2 snowboarding?! You have to get SSX!

  4. I do have SSX, but it wasn't exclusive to the PS2. Well, the first one was but the sequels were not and the latest version was on the Wii. I'm looking forward to the new version recently announce at the VGAs!
