Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gambits...I think I like them

Years ago when I first heard of the Gambit system employed by Final Fantasy XII, I thought that the world as we know it had stop spinning, and everything would come to a crashing end.   The gambit system seemed like the worst thing to happen to a Final Fantasy game since Final Fantasy II was released*.   "You want me to give up control of my characters?" I thought.   "No way!"

So here I am, a good 4 years after it's release and I'm finally giving the game the time it deserves.   And, to my surprise, I think I like Gambits.

The reason?   Gambits don't do anything, I wouldn't do anyway.   In other words, rather than controlling my characters in real time and telling them exactly what I want them to do, using the Gambit system I tell them exactly what I want them to do, outside of the battle, and then, they do it.  And should I want to issue commands directly, no problem, in real time, I just do it and whatever command I've given, overrides the Gambit.

The reason it works so well, is because it's so dang flexible.   It's not a simple, be a healer, be aggressive, be defensive system, there's so many commands and so many things you can build into your gambit system that I could see myself spend a lot of time tweaking it until it's 'just right'.

I'm only about 10 hours in but so far, Gambit seems good to me, and thankfully, the world is still spinning.

*For the record I actually quite like Final Fantasy II and I'm playing it for the third time on my PSP.  I've already played the PS1 and GBA releases of it.

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