Monday, November 8, 2010

A brief update...

My new PS3 is on it's way! Should be here by Wednesday.

Also, I've decided to stop doing weekly collection updates and will move to a bi-monthly format. So one on the 15th and then the last day of the month. So next update will include everything since my last update so it will catch the tail end of October. Not that you care, but in case you were wondering.

I started playing Shadow of the Colossus and I can see why everyone goes on about this game. I'm only an hour in and I'm really enjoying it. It, like Ico, are very unique experiences.


  1. I haven't played either SotC or Ico but the more I hear about both the more I need to get and play them.


  2. Well at this point you might as well wait for the PS3 collection with both titles if you don't already have them. I have them on PS2 so I figured I might as well give them a go.

  3. Just got Shadow of Colosus a year ago, couldn't believe I had passed it over when it came out even though its the same universe as ICO. Shame some games have tried to copy it and failed, shows that its the first is usually the best doesn't it?

  4. You know I had that feeling as well. But I can't decided where I got it from. What games since SotC have tried to emulate it? Prince of Persia comes to mind, it actually feeling a bit like a mash up of Ico and SotC. Anything else?
