Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The year is almost over

The year is almost over, and while I'm still working on a couple of games (Dark Souls and Crash Bandicoot), there's a high likelyhood that I won't beat any more games this year as the ones I'm currently working on are rather time consuming.

Additionally, I'm not really planning on any more acquisitions.   Oh, I'm sure I'll get a few for Christmas, but for the most part, 2011 is at a close.

So that means I need to start the plan for next year!   I've already got a few ideas, but one thing I know is that I'm not shooting for quantity in 2012.   I've done that the last few years, which is fine, but it does impact how I approach some of the games.

Anyway, I've already got a few titles rattling around in my brain that I want to beat for 2012, I had a great 2011 (gameplay-wise) and based on some of the titles I'm thinking I'll be playing in 2012, it's looking to be a solid year as well.


  1. Yeah, I was hoping to get one more game completed this year, but I'm not sure if that will happen. Completed Darksiders is possible, but it's going to be tight. I'm in the same boat for acquisitions as well.

    I've got my 2011 Awards video planned out, and I've started getting that together too.

  2. I finished less games than last year and I definitely bought a ton less than in previous years. It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out once January rolls in.

  3. My gaming goal for Q112 is to get to 100,000 gamerscore. I also want to finish AC Brotherhood and start on Revelations.. those two goals make me look forward to some exciting gaming in the coming weeks.. :)

  4. @Steve

    I'll keep my eyes peeled for your 2011 Awards vid!


    I've been on a steady increase, so I think the bubble will burst next year. I can't keep it up.


    100K? Wow, that is impressive. Friend request sent, I'd like to see you pull that off. I still haven't broken the 30K barrier. :(
