Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fun with physics

Ever since games started using physics engines gamers have been able to see all sorts of fun little glitches.

I've collected a few of my favorites.


EA's Skate, funny (and sometimes brutal) physics glitches

Halo: Combat Evolved, Flying Warthogs

Far Cry 2, fun with barrels

Just Cause 2 a really long fall, or should I say, roll?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Discounting the Legend

I really didn't want to pay $150 for Halo: Reach Legendary Edition.

So I didn't.

The game comes with a code for a Flaming Helment and some Elite Armor for mutiplayer.  I don't really care about that so I sold it on E-Bay.

Apparently there are some who really do care about it as I was able to sell it for $81.

I'm fairly stoked about that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Unboxing the Legend

I picked up my copy of Halo: Reach: Legendary Edition today.  It's huge!

Here's some shots of the grand unboxing:

The Big Box
Opening it up...
All the contents, note the size of the standard game case in relation to everything else
Closeup of the game case
Noble Team standing ready
Seriously, I don't know where I'm going to put that.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Shadows of the Empire Get!

Yes! I've finally got a complete copy of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. That brings my N64 collection to a total of 16 titles.

Being the Star Wars nut that I am, I really don't know how this game slipped through the cracks.  I was always planning on getting it, but for whatever reason, I never actually got it.

Feels good to close this hole in my collection.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The new goal

I've resigned myself to the fact now that I'll never be able to Beat all of the games in my backlog. For a while, I had set out to at least get a certain percentage Beat. I'm now going to modify my backlog goals into something a bit more manageable. This whole I idea came out of an ongoing (over several months really) discussion about backlogs with Mamba219.

So instead of a flat percentage goal, I'm going to shoot for getting a platform Beaten. This way, I can show some tangible progress, without limiting my collection needs. Once I've Beaten a given platform, I have to maintain that status, so any additions to my collection for a platform that has been previously Beaten, will get priority. After a platform has been Beaten, I'll pick another platform and start in on that one.

So, I may never be able to defeat the Baklaag. But at least I'll be able to harm him!

To start, it's going to be the SNES. Right now I've got a total of 6 games on that platform, so it's definitely doable.

Here's what's on the schedule then (in order of release):

Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Super Metroid
Illusion of Gaia
Donkey Kong Country
Chrono Trigger

Kinda works out nice as it alternates between a platformer and an RPG (and yes I'm counting Zelda as an RPG for the purposes of this statement so don't bug me about it).

Game On!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The neverending backlog

I've been desperately trying to clean up my inventory and officially set things right. So in addition to some of the normal collecting I do, I've been reconciling my personal collection and my Backloggery Collection.

It will be a long process...

I do need to sort it out and I need to make some decisions, especially around my PC titles. I have quite a few duplicates across platforms and I sort feel that I should pick a platform for any given title and then get rid of the other version. I still can't decide on that though.

For example, I have Tomb Raider on both PS1 and PC. Should I get rid of the PC version? It's a pain to install, and the controls are kinda wonky on the PC. I should probably just be done with the PC version right?

Arrgh, I don't know what to do. It's against my religion to get rid of games so this one hurts.

P.S. I saw this today. I really wish these bumper stickers were real. That would be fantastic.